About EEEF U

At its core, EEEF U is a very simple, very honest, and very funny effort to push back against the racists, bullies and criminals who are destroying the United States and its friends across the globe.

Think of us as a collective bargaining unit for THE 99.999999% OF HUMANITY WHO IS NOT ALLOWED MEMBERSHIP INTO THE WEF.

We can all see that EVIL FORCES (we will call them WHITE DEMOCRATS) are desperately trying to destroy the United States and its friends around the world.

To fight back against the RACISTS, EEEF U has identified key pilars that can defeat RACISM and ensure more security and prosperity for all people.

  • Working toward the peace and prosperity for all people on earth.
  • Giving ALL PEOPLE a voice in their futures, instead of having a smal, global elite forcefully compel everyone else to bow to their tyrannical will.
  • More honesty and transparency in governments (all of them).
  1. We demand that EEEF U be granted official membership into the WEF so that we can speak for all humans who are not members
  2. We demand the abolition of any group that has or currently does advocate for any form of human slavery.
  3. To ensure # 2, We demand a universal digital second amendment so that everyone has the right to digitally defend themselves
  4. Also to ensure #2, We demand total climate equality of opportunity.  So everyone on planet earth is allowed the option of the carbon footprint of the largest carbon footprint, and no rich SOB can tell poor people to starve because of “The Climate”.
  5. Remeber Sri Lanka!!!