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Exclusive to the EEEF U Store & Available for The Hootenfani Events & Private Events.

The Media may be able to pretend cheers are boos and hide cameras from crowd sizes but there will be no mistaking the Battle Blow of the American Patriot!

The MAGAPHONE / Trumpet is all about making noise and having fun in a time when it is very needed.

Available in conjunction with events in bulk or to anyone for individual purchase with a portion of proceeds donated to our nonprofit partner Restore Liberty for funds for causes.

Trump Rally Blows | “The Trigger Game”: Every time President Trump holds a Rally; American Patriots can Rally together in mini Rally’s across the Country to watch the Rally on a big screen. A list of “Trigger Words” will be released right before President Trump enters the stage and when he says the “Trigger Word” (i.e.: Fake News) Americans across the Country will do a Battle Blow.

Country Round Robin: Once MAGAPHONE'S / Trumpet's are in enough American hands it will have evening MAGA Blows in a Round Robin across the Country through each state.

Boat Blows: If you are on a lake throughout the Country there will be a standard Saturday/Sunday Battle Blow.

Road Rally Blows: As we Road Rally through to the 2024 Election, participating passengers will do Battle Blows out car windows.

It's time to have some fun and all are welcome to participate!